“The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you are in control.” Most of us never really comprehended the seriousness of this quote by Michael Altshuler until we become parents. Though days seem long, months slip by, and before you realize it, a year has flown by. Many parents will attest to this: Your child is crawling today, and before you know it, he or she is 5 or 10 years old. Most parents’ attention is usually divided between caring for the kids, maintaining households, working responsibilities, and sometimes hoping to spend a few hours here and there on ourselves.
But the truth is that in the world we live in today, busy days blend, and it is tough to stay with everything including, dance classes, soccer schedules, birthdays, and even more important, to recall the unique moments that cheer us up. Most of the time, the amazing things that your child says during breakfast, the things that you promise yourself to remember for a lifetime, are usually out of your mind within a few hours! So how can we as parents hang on to these meaningful moments? How can we preserve or rewind these hilarious moments we share with our kids and other family members?
Start a family blog!
Yes, music blogs, fashion blogs, beauty blogs. There are literally millions of them in the blogosphere. But family blogs stand out. Why? Because they offer an effective and reliable way for family members to keep in touch, remember great moments, and close the gap created by distance. Though for some, blogging is a good way to make money but doesn’t have to be about money all the time. We can use the platform to stay connected with other family members too.
Starting a family blog is also one of the perfect ways to capture and celebrate the little accomplishments of the day. It can serve as a platform to share aspirations and thoughts, record milestones, recount family outings, adventures, holidays, and vacations. Also, because most parents have become very busy, they do not have time to send letters or cards every time they want to share something.
A family blog will not only allow you to share part of your life with those that you love and preserve those amazing moments, but it will also allow distant family members to check in on you without necessarily flooding your junk drawers. Besides, the process of starting a family blog is straightforward and environmentally friendly. All you have to do is choose a host website, customize it and start blogging right away!
Starting family blogging
Choose a host website
There are much different blogging and hosting platforms out there. Each has different features, and what works for a beauty blog may not necessarily be ideal for a music or family blog. Nonetheless, there is one that is very reliable for family bloggers: Family Blog by WPlook Studio.
One good reason why many people love Family Blog is that of its unique features, such as allowing users to customize their permalinks and reliability. The tools available are also perfect for veterans, and there are enough freedom and room for beginners to try their luck. Whether written by one mom, two parents, or an entire family, the theme focuses on capturing and chronicling all the precious moments and stories of the family’s everyday life.
With a beautiful design, different post formats, and a unique archive, you will create an awesome blog for your family!
Besides, Family Blog includes everything you’ve come to expect from a family blogging theme — it is a simple yet powerful, beautifully designed theme with great features and responsive design.
Pick a name
The next easy step is picking the name of your blog. You can go with your family name or any other related name, depending on your preferences. Nicknames, an inside family joke, or first names can also do the job.
Customize your blog
Most blogging platforms are usually plain on this, but WordPress is relatively elaborate. You can easily choose sidebars, headers, backgrounds, or buttons that reflect your family.
Posting to your Blog
Next is posting to the blog. Here you must first consider your audience before you post anything. In a family blog, other family members will likely want to know what is going on in your life. Also, keep the posts short, and you can add some photos to make the posts sweeter and more vivid. Avoid sharing your events, and try not to share everything. Instead, share only the very best moments of you and your family. This will keep other family members returning because it reminds them of something hilarious rather than shunning it.
Tell relatives
One of the worst things that can happen to the blog is “nobody reading it.” Ensure you inform your family and make it easy for them to sign up for updates through RSS or email. You can also spread the word via social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. You will love seeing your statistics skyrocket when you blog anything new. In other words, there is nothing more motivating than knowing other people are reading and appreciating your posts. Now get blogging!
Now get blogging!
Learn more about Family Blog Theme
Family Blog, Personal Blog, WordPress Themes