Version 4.7 of WordPress is now available for download!
We are very proud to announce that among the Core Contributors in this release is a member of our team Valeriu Tihai.

WordPress 4.7 comes with several new features that make it easier customize WordPress and make it your site in your own way.
Some of the features highlighted during release include:
- New Twenty Seventeen WordPress Theme
- Starter Content for WordPress Themes
- Additional Customizer Features including Video Headers, Edit Shortcuts icons, Smoother Menu Building, and live Custom CSS
- Developer related updates including the REST API Content Endpoints
All our themes are compatible with the latest version of WordPress and we strongly encourage you to update your site immediately.
Download WordPress 4.7 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.
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