Have you at any point had to know the correct social media color palette for Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest? Or you wanted to include a “Join us on Facebook” on your website and needed to use the exact color?
I’m sure you needed to know the exact color and look for it.

Every website picks its design for a reason. Twitter’s mascot, for example, is a bird, so it just bodes well that their blue color represents the sky. Facebook is blue because the founder is red-green colorblind, so blue is the richest color.

World’s favorite color is blue, and that’s a huge reason why social platforms chose it as their color. Below you can find the complete color sets for the most popular social platforms that define the media social color palette in 2022.

Facebook Color Palette

HEX: #3b5998
RGB: 59, 89, 152

(High)Light Blue:
HEX: #8b9dc3
RGB: 139, 157, 195

Border / Text Blue:
HEX: #dfe3ee
RGB: 223, 227, 238

Background Blue(ish):
HEX: #f7f7f7
RGB: 247, 247, 247

Instagram Color Palette

HEX: #C32AA3
RGB: 195, 42, 163

HEX: #4c68d7
RGB: 76, 104, 215

HEX: #fbad50
RGB: 251, 173, 80

HEX: #fccc63
RGB: 252, 204, 99

Twitter Collor Palette

Dark Blue:
HEX: #0084b4
RGB: 0, 132, 180

Logo Blue:
HEX: #00aced
RGB: 0, 172, 237

Background Blue(ish):
HEX: #c0deed
RGB: 192, 222, 237

Verified Blue:
HEX: #1dcaff
RGB: 29, 202, 255

Pinterest Color Palette

HEX: #BD081C
RGB: 189, 8, 28

LinkedIn Color Palette

Logo Blue:
HEX: #007bb6
RGB: 0, 123, 182

YouTube Color Palette

HEX: #FF0000
RGB: 255, 0, 0

Google Color Palette

HEX: #4285F4
RGB: 66, 133, 244

Google+ Color Palette

HEX: #DB4437
RGB: 219, 68, 55

Snapchat Color Palette

RGB: 255, 252, 0

WhatsApp Color Palette

HEX: #25D366
RGB: 37, 211, 102

Foursquare Color Palette

HEX: #F94877
RGB: 249, 72, 119

Swarm Color Palette

HEX: #FFA633
RGB: 255, 166, 51

Skype Color Palette

HEX: #00AFF0
RGB: 0, 175, 240

Yahoo Color Palette

HEX: #430297
RGB: 7, 2, 151