Causes are a type of post which is specifically suited to displaying items which your organization is collecting money for. Causes support the setting of monetary goals towards which money can be donated through PayPal, with the total being updated live as money is donated. They also support other features.
The Causes Screen
The causes screen inherits most of the features of the standard posts screen. You can edit, delete or view individual causes using the links under the cause titles. You can select multiple causes for deletion and editing. A bulk edit feature allows you to change certain fields, en masse, for a group of posts. A handy in-line edit tool, called quick edit, allows you to update many fields for an individual cause. Various search and filtering options allow you to find the cause you want to edit or delete.
The Table of Causes
A table lists all of your causes. By default, the causes are listed with the newest cause first, but they can also be sorted by title.
The table of causes
- [ ]: This checkbox, when checked, selects that particular cause to be processed by a bulk action, such as edit or delete.
- Title: This is the cause title displayed as a link. Click the title link to allow this cause to be edited. Next to the title, if a cause is of a Draft, Private, Pending, or Password Protected nature, bold text will display showing that. Hovering over the Title displays the unique identifier (ID) of a post.
- Goal Amount: Displays the donations goal amount for every cause, in the currency set in Theme Options → Payment Settings → Currency Code.
- Date: The date column for each cause shows the date on which the cause was published (for published causes), last modified (for draft causes), or scheduled (for future causes).