Dummy Content

Dummy content, included with every one of our themes, allows you to make the theme look exactly like the theme looks on our demo site. This step is not required, but allows you to see how we used the theme settings to make the theme look like it does on our site.

The demo content is located in the Dummy Content folder, make sure you download it on our website because it’s not included in the theme folder.

To import the dummy content, take the following steps:

  1. Import the theme content:
    • Go to Tools → Import from the WordPress Administration Panel.
    • If you don’t have the WordPress importer installed, do so by selecting Install Now under the WordPress entry.
    • Once installed, select Run Importer under the WordPress entry, select the *.xml file from the Dummy Content folder, and click Upload file and import.
    • On the following page, accept the default options and click Submit.
    • Importing the content might take a while, but once the process has finished, “All done. Have fun!” will be printed at the bottom of the page. Don’t worry about any errors the importer has produced, the importing process has likely finished successfully.
  2. Import the theme options:
    • Copy the contents of Theme-Options.txt. Make sure to copy the entirety of this file.
    • Go to OptionTree → Settings → Import → Theme Options and paste the text. Press Import Theme Options to finish the process.
  3. Import the widgets:
    • Make sure the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin is installed. Find out more about installing it in the Required Plugins chapter.
    • Go to Appearance → Widgets from the WordPress Administration Panel and manually remove all current widgets.
    • Go to ToolsWidget Importer & Exporter, select the *.wie file and click Import Widgets.
WPlook Themes

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